Posted on 08:32
WOOT! The new web address goes live today:) I couldnt be happier with the new branding and design. Its taken me forever to get something that portrays my fun and modern approach to photography, and now, I finally have it!!
So, for those of you who need the new address, its here:
Posted on 02:49
Good Morning all! Today promises to be somewhat quiter and less rain-ier than yesterday! But who knows, all can change in an instance - especially in my life!!
The school holidays are upon us and im pretty sure Im not going to get on with the blog for a week or so - 7 year old boys can be hard to entertain. However we have lots of good things like bowling and the cinema planned but heck, its goint to be busy!!
Getting back to business, my new business cards came to today ready for the re-launch in June! Im soo excited! I managed to get round to updating some of the website yesterday too. Iv put up a new page where my customers can purchase some funky Gift Certificates that I have designed and hopefully the new galleries will be going up soon aswell.
Posted on 05:58
Took delivery of two new backdrops (2 great colours - Cherry Pink and Hazelnut) this week. Im really looking forward to using them.
Posted on 05:47
Well. I spent a couple of days mulling over this one - 3 sisters - a new one for me. My studio is only iddy biddy and the backdrop i ordered didn't arrive too so that made for some extra fun! Thankfully my new Bowen's lights arrived and worked like a dream!I did a 2 x backdrop shoot for the girls on request - and who could say no as they asked so politely!
All 3 were a pleasure to photograph even someone in particular couldn't help but perform her wonderful take on Zoolanders "Blue Steel" LOL - Yeesss you know who you are!! ;)

Once again, thanks Ladies, it was fun working with you!Samx
Posted on 05:26
Wooo! Its only taken me all morning but the blog is finally finished! No doubt I will be tweaking it here and there as we go along, but I think it looks rather good hey?!
Posted on 15:49
Hello and Welcome to my new blog! Ill be updating this page as soon as I can!